Tuesday, 7 June 2011

My first blog.

There seems to be so much happening in the world of computing with so many advances made that it is difficult to keep up.
Today Apple announced their new operating system (Lion) which will be launched later in the year with so much new technology. Lots of new apps and all to be stored in the "cloud" which has the facility to automatically send down to any other mac like iphone/ ipad etc.
I think that they are giving 5gb of storage for free. See many reports on YouTube.
Google will soon be launching their note book and laptop with their own operating system with the same cloud technology so I guess that is the way things are going. Both systems automatically update so the home computer will just be a tool to use without all of the hassle it had before.
Good news I think and a kinda revolution.
I am a geriatric so this is my first test. Please excuse. I hope for better things soon.